Dave de Leeuw (Heerlen, 1981) is an artist from the Netherlands. He studied at the academy of fine arts in Maastricht and graduated in 2008.
De Leeuw’s oeuvre contains paintings, drawings, sculptures, murals, videos and installations. His developing multi-disciplinary work was
introduced to the art public by collector Henk Pijnenburg and museum director Wim van Krimpen. His works are included in public collections:
a.o. Gemeentemuseum The Hague, Gemeentemuseum Helmond, Achmea collection, FS group collection, Rotterdam and Maastricht university and
private collections a.o. Hugo & Carla Brown collection London, Pieter & Marieke Sanders Haarlem, van ‘t Hof collection Bosch en Duin.

Curriculum Vitae

Download my full CV (January 2020) here in PDF format

selection of exhibitions

2019 Call to Action
• Gemeentenmuseum Helmond, Helmond, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2019 Melting Pot
• Cacaofabriek, Helmond, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2019 Mumbling the phrases
• Hoorn & Reniers gallery, The Hague, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2018 On Paper
• Hoorn & Reniers gallery, The Hague, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2017 Amsterdam Art fair
• Gerhard Hofland gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2016 Parkstad Limburg Prijs
• SCHUNCK museum, Heerlen, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2016 Art Amsterdam
• Peergallery, Maastricht, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2016 The Reader
• Peergallery, Maastricht, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2015 Art The Hague
• WTC the Hague gallery, The Hague, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2015 Uit de Verf
• Villa Mondriaan Museum, Winterswijk, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2015 Dreckiges Geschaft
• Kunstverein Graz, Regensburg, Germany, group exhibition
2014 Innosense
• AdHocPad artspace, Vienna, Austria, duo exhibition
2013 Donker Bed
• Wim Van Krimpen gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2013 Art Rotterdam
• Wim Van Krimpen gallery, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2012 Amerikaanse topmodellen en andere stukken
• Gemeentemuseum Helmond, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2012 The Hunter
• FeldbuschWiesner gallery, Berlin, Germany, solo exhibition
2011 Videoinstallatie 004
• museum Het Domein, Sittard, the Netherlands, group exhibition
2011 Sweet Mother Again
• Wim Van Krimpen gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2010 Soms gebeurt het
• Cacaofabriek, Helmond, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2010 prive domein
• Art Pijnenburg, Deurne, the Netherlands, solo exhibition
2009 d’RAW
• SCHUNCK museum, Heerlen, the Netherlands, group exhibition, curator


Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Gemeentemuseum Helmond
Achmea kunstcollectie
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Maastricht University
FSgroep Hilversum
The Minds Eye collection Amsterdam
Atrium MC Heerlen
• and more public and private collections in the Netherlands and abroad.


• january 2008
Bachelor of art: Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design (MAFAD), the Netherlands


• nominee for Parkstad Limburg Award 2016


This is a mural I painted in Aachen in 2019. While sketching the first lines I noticed a small girl standing on the windowsill of her room overlooking the wall. When I waved at her from the platform she waved back and quickly ran off. So I decided to make this princess for her. Later I heard her family just arrived from Iran and barely spoke any German. I hope they feel welcome!

Murals, Paintings, work

December 14, 2019

Soms Sebstbewusst

70 x 50 cm
silkscreen print on paper
edition of 50

editions available: order yours here.

€ 150,-

Drawings, Paintings, work

November 5, 2019

the basket case

110 x 80 cm
oilpaint on canvas

collection van ‘t Hof, Dosch en Duin

Paintings, work

October 15, 2019


installation of objects and works on paper and canvas
2019 at Hoorn & Reniers gallery in The Hague.

The installation ‘hut’ tells a story about a relationship with my former self. Elements from the present, the past and even the past generations form the layers that surround us. Sometimes very visible, sometimes they slumber beneath the surface, some stay deep inside. The work shows a carefully arranged compilation of objects from my atelier, childhood memories and bits of inheritance. The crocodile was one of those inherited objects, a vulgar piece of curiosity. Kept in its bubble wrap foil as a contemporary grave the dead reptile is now subtly blending in the gallery space. The table with the surrounding objects came from my atelier exactly the way it was standing there with the compilation of drawings on the top. These raw and fine works on paper, sculptures and objects are almost randomly interacting with each other like vague memories in a dream. Under the table I quite spontaneously created a sort of sheltered space. A burrow to retreat after wild adventures, a safe zone from apocalyptic events, a safe zone from losing control? In any case a hut. I could spend hours in this place, decorated with elements of childhood memories, accommodated with cozy lamps and even a portable television. The antenna is out but sadly there is no clear signal to receive, only snow and a hissing sound instead. The Swedish call it ‘myrornas krig’, the war of the ants. Supposedly less than 1% of this “war” is ‘cosmic microwave background radiation’ leftover from the big bang, some 13,7 billion years ago. In a broader context we are all wondrous leftovers from the big bang, sheltered from deadly cosmic radiation in our hut made of our present, our past and our past generations.


June 24, 2019

June / September 2019
Museum Helmond


Exhibition about freedom, power and powerlessness showing various pieces from the collection from 1980 till now with Rammellzee (VS), Dondi White (VS), Blade (VS), Jonas Van der Haegen (B), Dave de Leeuw (NL), Ulla-Stina Wikander (S), Risk Hazekamp (NL), Rob Hornstra (NL), Justine Kurland (VS), Laurent Fiévet (F), Cristina de Middel (E), Yinka Shonibare (GB), Yael Bartana (IL/NL), Gijs Frieling (NL) en Paul Segers (NL) at Museum Helmond

29-06 till 08-09-2019


June 4, 2019

Palet magazine
‘Ik was altijd al een schilder’

article ‘I was always a painter’ in Palet magazine about my works in the ‘Mumbling the phrases’ exhibition at Hoorn & Reniers gallery.


May 27, 2019

june 2019
Hoorn & Reniers


Groupexhibition showing recent works on canvas with a.o. Inge Aanstoot, Sebastian Gögel and Peter Feiler at Hoorn & Reniers gallery in The Hague.

Opening on Sunday 23-06 16:00
22-06 till 24-08 2019


May 16, 2019

August 2019

Annual Art route curated by gallerist Wanda Reiff on the beautiful Margraten plateau.

24-08 and 25-08 2019 from 11:00 / 17:00


May 14, 2019

August 2019


Exhibition about muralism and hip hop culture with a.o. Collin van der Sluijs and Hugo Kaagman at Cacaofabriek Helmond

Opening 18-08-2019 at 15:00


May 10, 2019

de riemenman

75 x 50 cm
oilpaint on canvas

collection Pierre en Tineke Gubbels, Maastricht

Paintings, work

January 10, 2019